Debate Night – Totalitarian vs Democratic Regimes in Times of Crisis
OnlineNow more than ever, the question of how governments should navigate through crises arises across the globe. And yet, we seem to all make the same basic assumption: that democracies are by default the superior form of government. But is that really the case? We answer this question with a debate!
OnlineHow can you make learning in EdTech more effective and engaging?
Onboarding climate refugees to the new future – your first day on the job! A roleplaying experience
Online2048 has arrived and the world has not successfully adapted to climate change... Be a future onboarder!
What’s your motivation? Keys to motivation via gamification
SPACE SHACK Coworking Akazienstraße 3A, Berlin, GermanyWhat drives us to take action or behave in a specific manner? How does that relate to the way we play games? Come ready to play and learn through experience!
To play is to learn (or is it?)
OnlineGamification has been a buzzword for quite a while, often misused to describe anything playful out of context. What is it really and how to apply it in learning?