How can you make learning in EdTech more effective and engaging?
How can you make learning in EdTech more effective and engaging?
Now more than ever, the question of how governments should navigate through crises arises across the globe. And yet, we seem to all make the same basic assumption: that democracies are by default the superior form of government. But is that really the case? We answer this question with a debate!
Antonis will share his personal experiences coping during the pandemic, and then lead a workshop to help you get back on track!
What is the role of Universal Basic income in the face of the COVID-19 crisis? Is it just an emergency policy, or rather an urgent and more permanent measure that increases resilience in the face of emergencies? Let’s find out!
Coronavirus has changed our meeting culture overnight. Here are 11 ways to make it engaging!
I’m very happy and proud to be interviewed by Rob for his amazing podcast!
Gamification stands for “applying game-design elements & game principles in non-game contexts” and this is what you will learn in this event
I’m chairing a panel at #GamificationEurope in December!
from solo players to teams with gamification and positive psychology
A structured dialogue on the challenges of globalisation and digitalisation